Authors |
Naydenova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of psychology and pedagogy, Penza State Technological University (1a Baydukova lane, Penza, Russia),
Kosharnyy Valeriy Pavlovich, Doctor of philosophy, head of sub-department of philosophy, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background.The subject of this work is the forms of non-economic capital of organizations (social, human, intellectual). The objective is to analyze the trends in sociological studies of the non-economic capital in the works by Russian and foreign scientists. The sources for this work are the scientific works by foreign sociologists and economists (P. Bourdieu, J. Coleman, R. Putnam, G. Becker) and Russian scientists (N. E. Tikhonova, A. A. Galkin, V. I. Loginov and others).
Results. The article gives classifications of the conceptions of the noneconomic capital for the contents and types, determines the trends in the study of its structure and formation processes. There are the following trends: transition from theoretical studies of the non-economic capital to practical (applied) research of its types;
increased research and management aspects; research of interrelation of social and human capital and social processes and social stratification of society.
References |
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